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METRONET Works – Hamilton St, Sevenoaks St and Railway Parade, Queens Park

METRONET Works – Hamilton St, Sevenoaks St and Railway Parade, Queens Park
25 June 2024

Proposed thoroughfare closure – Hamilton Street, Sevenoaks Street and Railway Parade, Queens Park.

METRONET is proposing temporary thoroughfare closures impacting Hamilton Street, Sevenoaks Street and Railway Parade in Queens Park, within the City of Canning, from Monday, 8 July 2024 to December 2024.

The closures are required to relocate waterpipes and to rebuild the Hamilton Street intersections, at Sevenoaks Street and Railway Parade, as part of the Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal Project.

To undertake the works, road modifications are required including reducing Sevenoaks Street (near the Hamilton Street intersection) to single lane in each direction.

There will be restrictions to turning movements to/from Hamilton Street for the duration of the works. Traffic management is proposed in stages to minimise impacts and to maintain vehicle access along Sevenoaks Street at all times.

Full plans and details regarding the closures can be viewed on the METRONET project website.

Submissions may be lodged in writing to the project team by email alucommunications@alualliance.com.au or by post Armadale Line Upgrade Alliance, 71 Ewing Street, Bentley, WA, 6102.

The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Tuesday, 2 July 2024.

For further information please contact the project team on 9326 3666 or via email alucommunications@alualliance.com.au.

Stage One (Monday, 8 July to mid-August 2024) and Stage Three (mid-September to late-October 2024) works, including a closure of the Sevenoaks Street southbound lane between Mills Street south and Stockman Way, the northbound lane will change to single lane each direction. No right turn movements will be available from Sevenoaks Street into Hamilton Street, both directions. Left turn only movements off Hamilton Street at the intersection with Sevenoaks Street, both directions.
Stage Two (mid-August to mid-September 2024) works will include a closure of the Sevenoaks Street southbound lane between Mills Street south and Stockman Way, the northbound lane will change to single lane each direction. No right turn movements will be available from Sevenoaks Street into Hamilton Street, both directions, Left turn only movements off Hamilton Street at the intersection with Sevenoaks Street, eastbound. Hamilton Street will be closed between Railway Parade and Sevenoaks Street.
Stage Four (late-October to mid-December 2024) works will include a closure of the Sevenoaks Street northbound lane between Mills Street south and Stockman Way, the southbound lane will change to single lane each direction. No right turn movements available from Sevenoaks Street into Hamilton Street, both directions. Left turn only movements off Hamilton Street at the intersection with Sevenoaks Street, westbound. Hamilton Street closed between Richards Place and Sevenoaks Street.
The proposed Hamilton Street arrangement from December 2024.
The proposed Hamilton Street arrangement from December 2024.

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