The City is required to publish a number of registers as public information.
The City maintains the following registers in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, associated Regulations and City of Canning’s Policies.
Gift Register
The CEO is to keep a register of gifts disclosed by Elected Members and all employees and must publish the register on the City's website.
Electoral Gift Register
Under the Local Government Act 1995 and Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997, there is a requirement to disclose gifts made to the benefit of candidates. The CEO is to maintain a register of these disclosures:
- Electoral Gift Register (Nil disclosures)
Primary and Annual Returns Register
Section 5.96A (1) (i) of the Local Government Act requires the name of each council member and position of each employee who lodge a primary return or annual return for a financial year beginning on or after 1 July 2020 to be published on the City’s website.
Members Contact with Developers Register
This Register provides a summary of contact declared between Elected Members and developers in accordance with the City of Canning’s Policy EM.02 – Members Contact with Developers.
Complaints Register
The Local Government Act 1995 requires the City to publish details of any complaints against an Elected Member that resulted in a finding that a minor breach had occurred.
Elected Members Register of Allowance, Payments and Reimbursements
This Register provides details of payments made to Elected Members relating to Council policies:
- CM102.1 – Allowances and Payments
- CM102.2 – Reimbursements of Expenses
- EM.06 – Training undertaken by Elected Members
- Elected Members Register of Allowances, Payments and Reimbursements 2023-2024
- Elected Members Register of Allowances, Payments and Reimbursements 2022-2023
- Elected Members Register of Allowances, Payments and Reimbursements 2021-2022
- Summary of Elected Members Register of Allowances, Payments and Reimbursements 2020 – 2021
- Elected Members Register of Allowances, Payments and Reimbursements 2020 – 2021
- Elected Members Register of Allowances, Payments and Reimbursements 2019 – 2020
- Elected Members Register of Allowances, Payments and Reimbursements 2017 – 2019
Decisions of Council
The City provides reporting on the decisions made at Ordinary and Special Council Meetings:
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