Better Service, Better Facilities, Better Parks and Better Playgrounds
At an Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 16 May 2023, the City of Canning Council considered its proposed differential rates for the financial year 2023-2024.
City of Canning rates remain among the lowest of local governments in the Perth metropolitan area.
The proposed $60 per annum average rate increase for residents will improve local parks and playgrounds, deliver modern community facilities, and improve core services while keeping debt to a minimum
$47 million for projects and capital works has been allocated in the draft budget to improve parks, community facilities and neighbourhoods.
This includes the Maniana Park Redevelopment in the Queens Park Open Space, Kent Street Weir Precinct Redevelopment that includes improvements to the dog-exercise area, plus the construction of the Shelley Beach Park Playground which will be the City’s first district playground.
The City is looking to quadruple its investments into playgrounds (10 playgrounds per year), which is a record level of funding for Canning.
Sporting and recreational facilities and services are also a focus with Whaleback Golf Course, various sports field lighting, changeroom and renewal works across City parks and reserves being included.
Community sentiment around safety concerns have also been heard with a proposed increase of $80,000 to the Security Incentive Scheme to illustrate Councils commitment to improving community safety, by concentrating on crime prevention.
The draft budget proposes to escalate our investment in conservation and environment, with $720,000 allocated for revegetation of conservation areas and planting of new trees in Canning, plus $1.8 million towards the maintenance of over 75,000 trees across the City of Canning.
In response to community feedback, the draft budget also paves the way for better service delivery. This allows the City to review the delivery of the current verge collection service and address community concerns on verge maintenance, particularly during the spring to summer period.
The draft budget is still under consideration and a more detailed breakdown of investment will be provided to the community once the budget is endorsed.
City of Canning Mayor Patrick Hall said Council and the City administration would continue to prioritise strong economic management and focus on the needs of the community.
“We are listening to the community and have heard their calls for improved service delivery and larger investment into playgrounds, community safety, environment and conservation.”
“To deliver these services and facilities in a sustainable way, we’ve held steadfast to our three-year financial plan. We have achieved a net reduction in operating expenditure of $3 million per annum and, despite the increased costs of goods and services – which has impacted almost everything that we do, have only proposed a moderate rate increase of 4.65% for 2023-2024.”
“The City’s draft budget position has been improved through cost reductions and revenue measures. Debt has been kept to a minimum in our forward planning and we remain committed to delivering a balanced budget this year.
“Our decision on the proposed differential rates that includes targeted investment to Better Service, Better Facilities, Better Parks and Playgrounds will help in absorbing the cost pressure and will allow the City to continue delivering the services at the standard that our community expects. It will also ensure that we are making provisions for our future generations. “We invite the community to share their thoughts on the proposed differential rates with us and give feedback via the Your Say web page.”
Submissions on the proposed rates can be made online via the City’s Your Say page from 24 May 2023 or by mail to the City of Canning before 5pm, Thursday 15 June. Submissions will be collated and considered by Council at the Special Council Meeting on 27 June.

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