City of Canning's Better Budget – Brighter Future
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 21 May 2024, the City of Canning Council considered its proposed differential rates for the financial year 2024-2025.
The City is proposing a budget of $167 million for 2024-2025. This is a Better Budget for a Brighter Future for our residents.
“We are listening to our community. They have told us that they value safety, the environment, recreational experiences at our parks and leisure centres, improved transport infrastructure and a greater sense of community,” said City of Canning Mayor Patrick Hall.
“Our draft 2024-25 budget delivers these outcomes.”
Currently one of the lowest rating Councils in the Perth metro area, the City of Canning’s proposed new budget meets the community’s needs for services and facilities that support growth and development, but in a financially sustainable way.
The City’s draft 2024-2025 budget includes the following:
- $5.04 million to provide and improve community safety services - including expanded CCTV coverage and maintaining our commitment of $100,000 for the very popular Security Incentive Scheme.
- $25.37 million to maintain 502 hectares of parks and sporting reserves, 75,000 street and park trees, and including $1.7 million for playground renewals.
- $14.4 million to manage our Leisureplexes and encourage healthier lifestyles, supporting more than 1.5 million visits annually and including more than 40,000 swimming lessons.
- $8.07 million to maintain a strong and thriving community with better places to learn and connect – including three community libraries, two youth drop-in centres, the Hillview Intercultural Community Centre and community events.
- $4.95 million to provide, expand and improve our community facilities, including an additional $1.25 million for necessary upgrades to our Leisureplexes.
- $32.22 million to renew and maintain over 600 kilometres of road, 400 kilometres of cycling and walking paths, expanded transport options and other infrastructure projects.
- $17.64 million to improve and manage our waste and recycling services, which includes efficiently emptying more than 70,000 bins per week and providing an on-demand bulk household waste collection service.
- $1.89 million for the City Centre regeneration program.
To deliver these programs, the City is proposing a differential rate of 6.75% – an increase of $81 for an average ratepayer over the 2024/25 financial year, with the proposed increase discounted by 50% for pensioners.
“As a Council we are fully committed to improving the liveability of Canning for its growing community, whilst maintaining our position as one of the lowest rating Councils in the Perth metropolitan area,” explained Mayor Hall.
“This is a budget for today and for tomorrow. We have worked hard to minimise costs and have balanced the needs of our community today with the expectation of providing a contemporary City for our children and a brighter future for the generations to come.”
The draft budget is still under consideration and a more detailed breakdown of investment will be provided to the community once the budget is endorsed.
Submissions on the proposed differential rates can be made online via Your Say Canning or by mail to the City of Canning before 5pm, Sunday 16th June 2024. Submissions will be collated and considered at a Special Council Meeting on 25 June 2024.
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