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Conservation and Environmental Strategies

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Strategies and Plans
Conservation and Environmental Strategies

The City of Canning has implemented a number of Conservation and Environment Strategies.

A photograph of Canning from above

Urban Forest Strategy

The City of Canning's award-winning Urban Forest Strategy (PDF 28MB) is an ambitious plan to increase the City's urban canopy cover by 22.3% over the next 20 years.

Environmental Management Strategy

Working to achieve better environmental management outcomes, the Environment Management Strategy provides a framework to help inform and develop plans. The goals of the strategy are:

  • Protecting, preserving and promoting our natural places, flora and fauna.
  • Sustainably managing resources.
  • A sustainable and environmentally aware community.

The key considerations are:

  • Climate change
    Understand and address potential outcomes of climate change and facilitate the development of a resilient City.
  • Natural areas
    Maintain, enhance and restore natural areas and protect biodiversity values.
  • Water
    Protect and enhance waterways, wetlands and the groundwater and ensure sustainable use and management of water resources.
  • Heritage
    Protection of the significant environmental and cultural values of the Canning River together with the region’s traditional owners.
  • Built environment
    Deliver built form outcomes that optimise energy, water and waste resource use of places and spaces over their whole-of-life.

    Local Biodiversity Strategy

    In 2018, Council endorsed the Local Biodiversity Strategy 2018. The strategy outlines a 20-year action plan for the protection and strategic management of natural areas in the City. The actions include:

    • Improved provisions for biodiversity in the City’s local planning framework and their application in future land use decisions.
    • Development of a Strategic Local Reserve Management Plan.
    • Development of a plan for restoration of natural areas in the City.
    • Encourage vegetation retention and increased use of local plants in landscaping by developers and private landholders.
    • Continued support to community volunteers engaged in bushland restoration activities.
    • Mainstreaming consideration of biodiversity within all City programs.

    Water Management Strategy

    The City's Water Management Strategy provides a framework for the achievement of better water management outcomes. The strategy has the following objectives:

    • Recognise the ecological, social and cultural importance of water.
    • Respond to the needs of the environment and community in a changing climate.
    • Educate and inform the community to build understanding and support for change.
    • Promote innovative and visionary approaches to water management.
    • Protect and restore the water quality, hydrological and ecological function of wetlands, waterways and groundwater systems.
    • Reduce water use overall and promote the fit-for purpose use of all available water resources.
    • Deliver functional and sustainable public open spaces.

    Shelley Rossmoyne Foreshore Management Plan

    The Shelley Rossmoyne Foreshore Management Plan (FMP) (PDF 6MB) to help guide the integration of community and environmental needs of the Shelley Rossmoyne Foreshore (the Foreshore). The Foreshore extends 6.8 kilometres from Yagan Wetland Reserve along the eastern bank of Bull Creek and along the southern banks of the Canning River to Shelley Bridge.

    The Foreshore area is recognised for its significant environmental value and is also highly valued by the local community as a meeting place, for recreation and connection to nature. The City recognises the Foreshore has important cultural and heritage value for the local Whadjuk Noongar people.

    This plan has 3 main aims:

    1. Preserve and enhance the natural environment and linkages.
    2. Support and encourage local community connection and stewardship.
    3. Balance diversity of uses within the carrying capacity of the foreshore.

    To learn more, download the Shelley Rossmoyne FMP (PDF 6MB).

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