Southern Link Road
An important project within the Canning City Centre is the construction of Southern Link Road. The road will link Liege St from Albany Highway to Gerard Street.
A road extension from Grey St to Gerard St will provide a strong link between Albany Highway and the north side of the railway line. The importance of the traffic link is demonstrated in the Movement Access and Parking Strategy (Jacobs, 2015). The future extension is subject to environmental approvals.
The approved Activity Centre Plan (2017) has changed from its first draft some years ago.
The City’s Activity Centre Plan still envisions the Threatened Ecological Community (TEC) as one of its main natural features. It forms the Conservation Precinct. Currently, the wetlands are fenced and managed by the landowner. Once completed, the City is proposing to manage the TEC to improve the quality of the site and increase environmental asset to the area.
The alignment of Southern link Road has been modified to reduce the impact on the existing vegetation. Its alignment has moved from being a straight line to a curved design, to reduce impact on the TEC site, land and vegetation. The width has also been reduced as much as possible to further reduce the impact. The proposed alignment now goes through mostly degraded vegetation.
The road will form a barrier to people, development, stormwater run-off, and protect vegetation. The City recognises the area is not suitable for any extra uses or development. These areas are important environmental assets. They will become accessible through sensitive planning of paths, fences and boardwalks if supported with approval from the relevant authorities.
Inside the TEC boundaries, no development (other than for the purposes of enhancing these assets) will be allowed. Structures such as viewing platforms and walkways may be supported with approval from the relevant authorities. Development outside the TEC boundary is subject to approval by the relevant authorities.
Due to the environmental importance of the TEC and current condition of native vegetation, the City has been liaising with the relevant environmental agencies. The City has been undertaking the relevant environmental studies to determine the environment impact of Stage 3, which will link Liege St and Grey St to Gerard St.
The indicative alignment of the road in the Activity Centre Plan depends on further studies and environmental approvals.

What's new?
The Procedure for native vegetation clearing permits can be viewed on Department of Water, Environment and Regulation website. The Southern Link Road Stage 3 clearing application was submitted 19 September 2022 and is in the process of being validated. Following validation, the application will move to assessment which includes the publication of the application for public comment.
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